Waste Management

Sway Location Services offer an efficient and reliable waste management service – plus a 24-hour collection service from unit base and location.
Our fleet comprises of two sustainable systems:
SWAY EcoPods
Offering ease of separating different types of waste – including DMR, Vegware, food and general – everything is kept in one place on location. Processing is then undertaken at transfer stations with our partners AHERN and a large majority of recycled waste is then converted into compost and bio gas.
SWAY AnoPods
This service is for food waste only and enters into a full anaerobic digestion service with our partners ReFood and is converted as a source of renewable energy for the UK power grid.
Operating throughout is our transparent recycling policy, with reporting, and our aim is to achieve zero to land fill by 2025.
We would be happy to discuss all options with you and also go through our competitive pricing policy.